Workday Student officially launches on March 14
Troy Moon, Pensacola State College
Pensacola State College students who participated in the recent two-week Workday Student mock semester gave the new system high marks.
When given a choice of “Loved It,” “Satisfied,” “Neutral,” “Unsatisfied” and “Disliked,” 87. 5 percent of the students who participated said they “Loved It” and the rest chose “Satisfied.”
Workday Student officially launches on March 14 and it will be where students go on their desktop, laptop or smartphone to do everything from applying for admission, registration, financial aid and even filling out scholarship applications.
Workday Student replaces the PSC-built Spyglass system.

Students work at computer stations with staff and administrators to use the new Workday Student system.
The Workday Student Mock Semester was held Jan. 24-27 and Jan. 31-Feb. 3 on the Pensacola campus. There were 140 students who participated, working at computer stations with staff and administrators to use the Workday Student.
Students learned how to use Workday Student on desktop and phone application formats and actually went through all the steps and processes to apply, register, request advising, apply for financial aid and more.
PSC staff are now using the data from the mock semester to fix any bugs or address concerns with Workday Student.
“We had students from many different programs and various demographics participating,” said Michael Johnston, PSC’s Associate Vice President of Research and Management Information Systems. “I think the diverse population for this event was crucial to its success.”
During mock sessions, students at various stations – Advising, Financial Aid, Registration, etc. – worked with PSC staff to learn how to use the Workday Student functions. Others sat at tables and tried to navigate the Workday Student application on smartphones.
“I tried it on the desktop and now I’m trying it on the phone,” said Danny Andzel, a middle infielder for the Pirates baseball team. “I worked on financial aid and registered for a class and then dropped it. It was no problem. It seems a lot easier than Spyglass, for sure.”
Monique Collins, PSC Director of Advising, was one of the administrators who helped lead students through the Workday Student mock semester, guiding them through the advising process on the new system.
“They have varied information at their fingertips now, and that’s a good selling point,” Collins said. “The ease of transaction and the mobile capability has been very helpful to students.”
TOP PHOTO: Michael Johnston, PSC’s Associate Vice President of Research and Management Information Systems, poses with Samantha Smith, left, and Brooke Saquibal of the Workday Implementation Office.