PSC alumna Kristian Breeze
During spring break 2018, Kristian Breeze and her partner took a road trip to New Mexico. One of the must-see stops for Breeze, a Pensacola State College graphic design student at the time, was the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe.
The museum celebrates one of the country’s most significant artists, an artist who has been called the “Mother of American modernism.”
Today, Breeze, is a graphic designer at the museum which celebrates the “Mother of American modernism.”
“When I visited, I kind of imagined how amazing it would be to work here one day,’’ Breeze said. “I had no idea it would really happen. But it’s such a great place to be and (O’Keeffe’s) work is amazing and such an inspiration.”
She began her job at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in July after moving to New Mexico in summer 2021 before even pursuing the position.
Breeze earned her Marjan Mazza Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Business and Management – Graphic Design, in December 2019. She also earned an Associate of Science degree in photography from PSC.
“My whole experience at PSC was amazing,’’ said Breeze, who lived in Baldwin County, Alabama, for 10 years before moving to Pensacola to attend PSC. “The College has so much to offer, it was just a great experience and the instructors were amazing.”
She especially credits PSC graphic design instructor Mark Hopkins for “being so involved with students” as well as photography professor Kristen Regan and former PSC graphic design instructor Linh O’Briant,’’ who she referred to as “strong female mentors.”
“We stayed in touch over the years and I am always excited to hear about her success,’’ Regan said. “I first met Krisi in my Photo 1 class eight years ago and it was immediately apparent that she would be in the top 1 percent of exceptional students that I would encounter. She is an incredible artist that always goes above and beyond what is expected.”
Before moving to New Mexico, Breeze worked as a graphic design artist for the Gulf Breeze Zoo. In her current position at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Breeze works on a variety of projects from new t-shirt designs to educational material.
“PSC really prepared me,’’ Breeze said. “And it’s such a great community.”