Blimey, Mates! Layla Zandi from the PSC Foundation was the first to correctly identify the Pirate’s treasure clues as being at the Pensacola International Airport. Zandi, the Foundation’s donor campaigns and reporting manager, is enjoying the spoils from the coffer.
Runner-ups and recipients of PSC T-shirts were Jessica Johnson, an AmeriCorps VISTA and financial literacy specialist in Student Support Services, and Butch Branch, LIFE Fitness Center coordinator on the Milton campus.
If you didn’t win this time, here are some more clues for the next chest of Pirate’s treasure.
After a few months on the high seas, the Pirates stopped at a local watering hole to celebrate their plunder. While there, the old salts decided to stash some of their loot in plain sight.
Chart your course to the treasure by identifying the location of this Pirate treasure. Here’s a clue – it’s in Pensacola. The first Pirate to email with the correct answer gets to plunder the loot! Send your email with “Pirate Treasure” in the subject line to