Pensacola chapter of national organization donates $150 and organizes food drive for College
Mary Mabins, Pensacola State College
The Pensacola chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc. recently donated $150 along with nonperishable food items to the Pensacola State College Food Pantry.
As part of the organization’s Souper Bowl of Caring Initiative, the chapter chose to assist the College’s food pantry and FoodRaising Friends ─ an organization committed to improving access to food for children at risk of or experiencing hunger.
“The donations and organized food drive have been a part of our Day of Service project, which has been held virtually for the past few years,” said Alonda Jones, a Pensacola State recruiter and foundation chair of the Pensacola Jack and Jill of America, Pensacola chapter.

The Pensacola chapter of Jack and Jill of America donated $150 along with nonperishable food items to the Pensacola State College Food Pantry. Pictured are, from left, Veronica Jennings; Alonda Jones, PSC recruiter And Jack and Jill America, Pensacola chapter foundation chair; Tracey Robinson-Coffee, Jack and Jill America Pensacola chapter president; Genevieve Charles, Jack and Jill America Pensacola chapter community service chair; Dr. Lynsey Listau, PSC executive director of institutional equity and student conduct; Mary Scott, PSC administrative assistant; and Christina Hawkins, Jack and Jill Pensacola chapter vice president. Pensacola State College photo
“Again, this year through the Souper Bowl of Caring Initiative, we decided to select the College’s food pantry in our attempt to tackle hunger efforts. I am a first-hand witness on how significant the pantry is on our campuses and the impact it makes with assisting our students.”
Jones said Jack and Jill of America provided links on its social media platforms to Amazon for members and the public to purchase nonperishable food items for the pantry and FoodRaising Friends. These efforts, which begin in December, will extend throughout February.
Foods such as granola bars, microwaveable meals, canned beef stew and soups, pasta, breakfast bars, pastries, cereal, rice, oatmeal, canned fruit, macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes are among the items listed on the PSC Food Pantry Wish List.
To support the Jack and Jill of America’s Souper Bowl of Caring Initiative, go to and click on the links to the PSC Food Drive Wish List or FoodRaising Friends Wish List.
Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Student Conduct Lynsey Listau said donations are appreciated and needed ─ especially during this time of the year.
“Food insecurity is a major problem nationwide for college students. We know if a student is hungry or is worried about where they are going to get their next meal for their family, their academic success can be negatively impacted,” Listau said. “Here at PSC we are very fortunate to have food pantries available to students at all our campus and center locations. Every semester we have seen the need for our pantries grow and in the fall semester we provided a record 286 bags of food to students at no cost to help address hunger and food insecurity. We rely on donations from the community and partnerships with organizations like Manna, International Paper and the Jack and Jill of America Inc., Pensacola chapter, to keep our pantry stocked so we can continue to address this student need and help our students be successful academically.”
Jones said Jack and Jill of America started the Souper Bowl of Caring Initiative more than 30 years ago.
“The concept was created with the thought that if every person who watched the Super Bowl donated one canned good to a food drive, it would make a significant impact in addressing food insecurity in the U.S.,” Jones added.
“Since the initiative begin, more than $170 million has been donated to tackle hunger in all 50 states through our efforts.”
Jack and Jill of America is a leadership organization formed in 1938 by African American mothers with the idea of bringing together children in a social and cultural environment. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Jack and Jill of America has more than 250 chapters and more than 40,000 members nationwide.
To help out
For the PSC Food Pantry hours and locations, visit
To support the Jack and Jill of America’s Souper Bowl of Caring Initiative, go to and click on the links to the PSC Food Drive Wish List or FoodRaising Friends Wish List.