At Pensacola State College, you can find a world-class education in leadership by enrolling in Military Leadership Science, a partnership with University of West Florida’s U.S. Army ROTC.
Incoming freshmen who apply for ROTC could be eligible for scholarships covering up to the full cost of tuition, plus money for personal expenses and books.
If interested, I encourage you to register for MSL1001 Introduction to the Army (2 credit hours and lab, course reference number X1007) your first semester. It’s an elective anyone can take without making a military commitment.
Enrolling in the ROTC Basic Course the first two years of college does not obligate you to military service unless you receive a scholarship. The program involves an elective and lab each semester, physical training, and field training exercises.
The Army has a wide range of careers in more places around the world than any other U.S. military branch. I invite you to consider growing your leadership skills with Army ROTC as you start your college journey.
For more information, contact:
LTC John Brake
Scholarship/Enrollment Advisor