Welcome to Staff Professional Development
SPD Announcements
SPD Offers Faculty and Staff Development via Starlink
Full time and part time faculty and staff have access to the entire catalog of Starlink courses, webinars, and leadership training. There are hundreds of hours of high quality professional development accessible 24/7 with any internet connection. Monthly webinar series are also available and will be announced in the SPD weekly announcement.
To view Starlink videos, follow the instructions below:
- Go to starlinktraining.org and click on “Get Started” tab at the top. You will see a drop down menu; if you already have an account, you can simply login at the prompt.
- Click “First Time User” and fill out the registration by using your pensacolastate.edu email as your username. (Note: you do not need your employee ID to set up an account – you can leave that field blank)
- Click “Register”. You will receive an email from STARLINK to verify your account. Once you click the verification in your email, you are ready to use STARLINK.
- If you would like to receive in-service professional development credit, please complete the SPD Professional Development Activity Form. All Starlink sessions qualify for professional development but only announced workshops will appear on your Spyglass transcript.
Juanita Scott, (850) 484-1953 or (850) 484-1754, jscott@pensacolastate.edu
SPD Workshops, Events, and College Committees
Enhance Your Professional Development with Academic Impressions
Pensacola State College students, faculty, and staff members now have access to a world of extensive professional development training – all available online.
The College has partnered with Academic Impressions ─ a professional development resource that focuses on providing leadership, personal development, and skills-based training opportunities. The year-long membership will provide Pensacola State access to all live and recorded webinars. The courses are evidence-based and presented by subject matter experts.
This professional development initiative is directly tied to Title III Pirate PATH to Success objectives: retention, degree completion, and overall student success strategies for at-risk students. Academic Impressions offers more than 1,900 resources. Topic areas include personal development, leadership development, academic affairs, diversity equity and inclusion, enrollment management, student success, institutional advancement, student affairs, and institutional planning and strategy.
The partnership allows the college community access to:
- Live online seminars and recordings,
- Virtual conferences (limited seating),
- Additional tools, resources, and articles: blog, books and assessments, research and reports, job aids and printables,
- New training resources that are added each month,
- Established and customized focused learning plans,
- Daily virtual writing café.
At a time when our nation’s colleges and universities are all challenged with decreased enrollment, Pensacola State staff members can access best practices and cutting-edge methods to help our students persist during a pandemic and ongoing societal discourse.
Focused Learning Plans
Learning plans are designed to enhance your effectiveness and sharpen specific skills. Each plan is quick, thorough, and taught by vetted experts. Your membership includes the ability to customize a plan for you or as a department leader, learning plans can be developed to address specific training goals for your team. All learning plans include a ‘Reflection’ questionnaire for participants to document highlights of the training experience and thoughts on how to implement strategies shared during the training. Listed below are established learning plans. The list will be updated regularly.
- Improving Your Meetings
- Leading More Inclusively
- Supervision and Feedback
- Building Resilience
- Your Role as a Team Leader
- Understanding Strengths-Based Leadership
- Managing Difficult Colleagues
- Developing Better Time Management
- Creative Problem Solving in Higher Ed
- Improving the Effectiveness of Your Decision Making
- Managing Conflict as a Leader
- Identifying Talent
A complete list of learning plans is available on the AI website under Find Your Plan.
SPD Top Picks
Student Recruitment, Retention, and Advising (Title III – Pirate Path to Success)
- Improving First-Year Student Experience Programs for At-Risk Students (Webcast Recording)
- Focus on Student Belonging to Boost Student Retention and Success (Webcast Recording)
- Taking a Proactive Approach to Advising for At-Risk Students (Blog)
- Retaining First-Generation Students: Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond (Webcast Recording)
- Recognize Student Distress in a Virtual Environment (Webcast Recording)
- 3 Ways to Connect Students to Career Services Early and Often (Webcast) Recording)
- Comprehensive Student Retention Strategies for Men of Color (January 27 – 28, 2021)
- Translating Your Student Development Services for Online Students (Webcast Recording)
- Student Retention: A Discussion of Practices & Approaches During Uncertain Times (Webcast Recording)
- Academic Coaching: Models for Student Success and Retention Webcast Recording (Webcast Recording)
- Creating Consistency in Decentralized Advising Models (Webcast Recording)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Cultural Competency
- Five Cultural Competence Skills to Improve Your International Student Mental Health Services (Webcast Recording)
- Lead More Courageous Conversations to Foster Diversity and Difference (Webcast recording)
- Developing Intentional Strategies to Improve Campus Climate: A Discussion Space (Web recording)
- Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: Engaging in Dialogue About Race and Bias (February 18, 2021)
- Understanding and Addressing Microaggressions (Short Lesson)
- Is It a Microaggression? (Article)
- Creating Safe Spaces for Students by Taking ACTION Against Microaggressions (Webcast Recording)
Recruiting, Hiring, Retaining Diverse Faculty
- Diverse Hiring in Higher Education: Resources for Search Committees (Short Lesson)
- Improving Faculty of Color Retention Efforts in Your Department (Virtual Training Recording)
- Recruiting for Diversity: A Training for Academic Search Committees (Webcast Recording)
- Overcoming the Effects of White Privilege for More Equitable Search Processes (Webcast Recording)
Inclusive Teaching and Learning
- Building Inclusive Pedagogy Online (Webcast Recording)
- Responding to Microaggressions in Online Learning Environments During a Pandemic (Article)
- Inclusive Pedagogy in Higher Education: A Mindset and Continual Practice (Virtual Training Recording)
Inclusive Meetings
- Creating Equitable and Inclusive Meetings (Webcast Recording)
- Facilitating Culturally Inclusive Meetings (Webcast Recording)
Psychology of Diverse Learning
- Supporting Neurodiverse and Accessible Learning Outside of the Classroom (Webcast Recording)
- Supporting Neurodiversity in the Classroom (Short Lesson)
Classroom Civility
- Civil Dialogue as a Classroom Management Strategy (Webcast Recording)
- Civility in the Classroom: A Better Approach (Article)
- Faculty Checklist: Steps to Respond to Classroom Incivility (Article)
- Responding to Microaggressions in Online Learning Environments During a Pandemic (Article)
- Creating a Safe Space in Your Class During a Crisis (Blog)
- Leading Difficult Conversations in the Classroom (Coming Spring 2021)
Teaching in an Online Environment
- Making Your Online Course Accessible to All Learners (Webcast Recording)
- Ensuring Quality in Online Instruction (Webcast Recording)
- Checklist: Preparing Adjunct Faculty to Teach Online (Article)
- Online Teaching Effectiveness (Short Lesson)
- Strategies to Create More Engaging Online Courses (Virtual Training Recording)
- Making Your Online Courses More Experiential (Webcast Recording)
- Adapt Your In-Person Peer Mentor Program for a Virtual Environment (Webcast Recording)
Leadership/Leadership Development
- Inclusive Leadership: Understand Your Intersecting Identities to Better Serve Others (Webcast Recording)
- Hiring, Developing, and Promoting Women Leaders in Higher Education (Webcast Recording)
- Four Leadership Practices for New or Aspiring Deans (Webcast Recording)
- The 5 Paths to Leadership SELF Assessment (Assessment)
- Workshop: Collaborative Leadership in Higher Education (Campus Workshop)
- Mid-Level Leadership (Coming Spring 2021)
- Three Factors of Healthy Leadership in Higher Education (Webcast Recording)
Frontline Customer Service
- Customer Service Training for Financial Aid Staff Webcast Recording (Webcast Recording)
- Tools for Better Customer Service (Job Aids & Printables)
- Developing and Implementing Your Customer Service Vision Webcast Recording (Webcast Recording)
- Everything You Need to Know to Improve Customer Service in Higher Education (Learning Hub)
Academic Department Chair Resources
- What Every Academic Chair Needs to Know (Webcast Recording)
- Your First Year as Department Chair: Building Trust, Communication, and Community (Webcast Recording)
- Supporting Adjunct Faculty: A Training for Department Chairs (Webcast Recording)
- Department Chairs: Maximize Your Productivity By Cultivating Your Academic Staff (Webcast Recording)
- Managing Difficult Faculty (Webcast Recording)
- Best Practices in Designing Mentoring Programs for Early Career Faculty (Webcast Recording)
- Managing Change as a Department Chair: 5 Traps to Avoid (Webcast Recording)
- Building a More Strategic Budget for Your Academic Department (Webcast Recording)
- Evaluating Online Faculty (Webcast Recording)
- Leadership Training for Department Chairs (blog)
- Five Things Department Chairs Need to Know About Fundraising (Article)
- Departmental Budget Training for Faculty (Webcast Recording)
- Supporting Mid-Career Faculty Webcast Recording
- Managing Conflict (Virtual Training Recording)
Supporting Adjunct Faculty
- Supporting Adjunct Faculty: A Training for Department Chairs (Webcast Recording)
- Developing and Evaluating Adjunct Faculty (Article)
- The 5 Forms of Support Your Adjunct Faculty Need (Article)
- Managing and Supporting Adjunct Faculty (Webcast Recording)
- Special Edition: Developing and Evaluating Adjunct Faculty (Blog)
- Checklist: Preparing Adjunct Faculty to Teach Online (Job Aids & Printables)
- Supporting Adjunct Faculty: An Investment in Your Instructors, an Investment in Your Students (Blog)
- Adjunct Faculty: A Department Chair’s Guide to Orienting New Instructors (Blog)
Health and Wellness
- Upgrading Your Self-Care During the COVID Crisis (Webcast Recording)
- Making an Impact on Mental Health: How to Deliver with Peer Educators (Webcast Recording)
- Advocacy Sanctioning: Developing Tailored Student Conduct Plans (Webcast Recording)
- Overcoming Social Justice Fatigue for Diversity and Inclusion Professionals (Webcast Recording)
- Mental Health Resources for the Campus Community (Short Lessons & Quizzes)
- Addressing Food Insecurity in Higher Education: Creating an Integrated & Sustainable Food Pantry (Webcast Recording)
- Uncovering Resilience in Students with Mental Health Concerns: A Case Study (Webcast Recording)
- The Role of Higher Ed in Providing Mental Health Services (Blog)
- Four Essential Counseling Skills for Entry-Level Student Affairs Professionals (Webcast Recording)
- Creating Wellness Plans to Best Support Your Diversity and Inclusion Professionals (Recording Only) Webcast Recording
- Strategies to Confidently Communicate with Students Experiencing Mental Health Challenges (Webcast Recording)
Emotional Intelligence
- Manage Your Emotional Labor in the Workplace (Webcast Recording)
- Increasing Emotional Intelligence by Identifying Your Triggers (Webcast Recording)
- Emotional Intelligence as a Key Driver for Advancing Women Leaders (Virtual Training Recording)
- Learning to Lead Through Conflict (Webcast Recording)
- Engaging in Empathy: Balance the Emotional Demands (Webcast Recording)
- Emotional Labor and Establishing Boundaries (Coming Spring 2021)
- Shift Your Mindset to Build Resilience (Webcast Recording)
- Building Resilience with Your Team During Uncertain Times (Webcast Recording)
- Building Resilience During and After the Pandemic (Virtual Trainings Recording)
- Uncovering Resilience in Students with Mental Health Concerns: A Case Study (Webcast Recording)
- 3 Ways to Assess and Build Student Resiliency (Blog)
- Looking at Student “Grit” and Resilience – from Recruitment to Retention (Blog)
- Strategies to Promote Student Resiliency: What to Do When Students Blame Faculty for their Lack of Success (Blog)
- Strategies to Promote Student Resiliency: What to Do When Adult Students Blame Life Circumstances for their Lack of Success (Blog)
Topic of the Month
Each month, SPD will share resources for a trending topic in higher education and relevant here at PSC. Here, you can take the guess work out of searching more than 2,000 resources. We’ll focus on the most current webinars, articles, job aids, books, and assessments for that specific issue. The topic of the month will be listed on the SPD website and shared on workshop announcements.
Evaluate Your Training
Tell us about your learning experience. Please complete an evaluation form for each AI session in which you participated. CLICK HERE for individual session evaluation. Focused Learning plans should be evaluated based on completion of all components. A separate reflection questionnaire is included for each learning plan.
Create Your Account
Employees can create an account by logging into their MyPSCApps and clicking on the blue AI tile. For questions about your account, member resources, or scheduling a demo for your team, please contact our account manager, Niecie Washington at niecie@academicimpressions.com
About Our Partners
Based in Greenwood, Colorado, Academic Impressions has served approximately 3,500 higher education institutions over 18-plus years. Also, more than 200,000 post-secondary faculty and staff members have enrolled in sessions ranging from leadership; women in leadership; academic leadership; faculty success; institutional and academic planning; student success; enrollment management and marketing; advancement; diversity, equity and inclusion; and Title IX compliance.
We encourage everyone to log in to utilize the wide variety of professional development resources offered.
To learn more about Academic Impressions, visit academicimpressions.com.
For information about Title III Pirates PATH to Success, contact Marty Vignes, Title III Grant Activity Director
mvignes@pensacolastate.edu or (850) 484-1030
For additional information about AI or other training resources, contact Juanita Scott, Director, Professional Development
jscott@pensacolastate.edu or (850) 484-1953.
My Training
Professional Development Transcript
You can access your professional development transcript through Spring 2022 via Spyglass. Sign into Spyglass and select “Transcript” from the menu. Your unofficial transcript will be displayed.
Register for Professional Development Activities
You can register for college-sponsored professional development via our new registration portal, Flywire.
Helpful Tips
- Select a session time window from Professional Development Day and browse the available workshops. Description details are at the bottom of the product page.
- Complete all required fields before adding to your cart.
- Make sure to select a session for each time block. To return to the selections, click the Product link at the top and click Professional Development Day again.
- All in-service workshops are at no cost to employees. Although the checkout page indicates billing, employees are only required to enter their name, work address, office phone number, and work email address. You do not need to fill in the Student ID field, as this is not required but is Flywire delivered.
- Complete the additional prompts to complete registration, including CHECKOUT AS A GUEST, and PLACE YOUR ORDER.
- If you need additional assistance with registration, please contact SPD at 484-1754 or use the detailed training guide below.
Non Instructional Duty Day
Spring 2025 Non-Instructional Duty Day Schedule (January 8, 2025)
Spring 2024 Non-Instructional Duty Day Schedule (January 9, 2024)
Spring 2023 Non-Instructional Duty Day Schedule (January 5, 2023)
Spring 2022 Non-Instructional Duty Day Schedule (January 5, 2022)
Spring 2021 Non-Instructional Duty Day Schedule (January 6, 2021)
Professional Development Day
Pensacola State College Professional Development Day is a half-day event to provide faculty and staff with opportunities to network, share best practices and attend meaningful training sessions. The wide range of breakout sessions are designed to be engaging while meeting the needs of faculty and staff. The event is open to all PSC employees.
Spring 2025 Professional Development Day Schedule
Professional Development Day – Registration Training Guide
Professional Development Day Registration Steps
Register for all Professional Development Day sessions via our new registration portal, Flywire.
- Select Professional Development Day under Products.
- Browse session time offerings. Select a product and scroll to the bottom to view the session description.
- Enter all required fields and click ADD TO CART.
- Click the Products hyperlink at the top to view additional session offerings and add them to your cart.
- Click your cart, followed by VIEW YOUR CART, once you’ve selected a workshop for each time block.
All in-service workshops are at no cost to employees. Although the checkout page indicates billing, employees are only required to enter their name, work address, office phone number, and work email address. You do not need to fill in the Student ID field, as this is not required but is Flywire delivered.
- Complete the additional prompts to complete registration, including CHECKOUT AS A GUEST, and PLACE YOUR ORDER.
An order confirmation page will populate an email to the email address listed during checkout.
If you need additional assistance, contact Staff Professional Development at 850-484-1754 or 850-484-1953 or email Juanita Scott at jscott@pensacolastate.edu.
Previous Professional Development Day Schedules
Fall 2024 – Professional Development Day Schedule
Spring 2018 – Professional Development Day
Fall 2018 – Professional Development Day
Spring 2019 – Professional Development Day
Fall 2019 – Professional Development Day
Sping 2020 – Professional Development Day
Fall 2020 – Professional Development Day
Spring 2021 – Professional Development Day
Fall 2021 – Professional Development Day
Spring 2022 – Professional Development Day
Fall 2022 – Professional Development Day
Spring 2023 – Professional Development Day Schedule
Convocation Events
For additional information regarding Convocation, please contact:
Juanita Scott
or call
(850) 484-1754
Professional Development Resources
Adjunct Incentive Plan
You can now complete the Adjunct Incentive Plan in Canvas. To enroll in the Adjunct Incentive Plan, contact your academic department head to verify eligibility and SPD for enrollment instructions. Additional information for adjunct instructors can be found in the Adjunct Faculty Handbook.
On-Demand Inservice Training
- 25 Excel Tips in 50 Minutes
- Academy of Teaching Excellence presents Best Practices: Teaching Live Online
- Care of the Soul 101: Pt. 1 – Practical Guidance for Maneuvering the Stress of COVID 19 – Resonate Breathing
- Care of the Soul 101: Pt. 2 – Practical Guidance for Maneuvering the Stress of COVID 19 – Keeping Your Heart Light
- Care of the Soul 101: Pt. 3 – Practical Guidance for Maneuvering the Stress of COVID 19 – Soulversations
- Computer Productivity
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Faculty Guide to Student Resource Center for ADA Services
- Identity Theft Before and After COVID 19
- Introduction to Microsoft Teams
- Introduction to One Drive
- PSC Wellness for Students
- Student Conduct
- Sexual Harassment
- Testing Center Services for Faculty
Full time and part time faculty and staff have access to the entire catalog of Starlink courses, webinars, and leadership training. There are hundreds of hours of high-quality professional development accessible 24/7 with any internet connection. Monthly webinar series are also available and will be announced in the SPD workshop announcement.
To view Starlink videos, follow the instructions below:
Go to starlinktraining.org and click on “Get Started” tab at the top. You will see a drop-down menu; if you already have an account, you can simply login at the prompt.
Click “First Time User” and fill out the registration by using your pensacolastate.edu email as your username. (Note: you do not need your employee ID to set up an account – you can leave that field blank)
Click “Register”. You will receive an email from STARLINK to verify your account. Once you click the verification in your email, you are ready to use STARLINK.
If you would like to receive in-service professional development credit, please complete the SPD Professional Development Activity Form.
eLearning sessions on topics such as Canvas, Gradebook, and Proctorio are offered through the eLearning Department. These sessions are also listed on the SPD announcement that are distributed through the college list. Sessions are also listed on the SPD calendar. CLICK HERE to visit the eLearning website.
Getting Results
This online course funded by the National Science Foundation has been created especially for community college educators. It focuses on pedagogical best practices as well as teaching with technology and assessment. This is a dated but relevant resource. CLICK HERE to access the online course.
Innovative Educators
- Friday 5 Live! Moving Forward to the Fall: Supporting Students, Staff & Faculty
- The Impact of COVID -19 On Higher Education: Preparing for the Changing Landscape & Economic Consequences
- Friday 5 Live – Looking Towards Fall: Anticipating Trends & Creating Paths for Student Success
- Online Orientation Reimagined: How to Create Engagement, Connection & Meaning
- Supporting TRIO Students: Providing an Online Orientation & Success Workshops
- How to Move Your Parent Orientation Online Quickly
- The Happiness Trifecta: What COVID – 19 Can Teach Us About Happiness & Mindfulness
- Friday 5 Live: Helping Students Finish the Semester Successfully
- Telemental Health Services for Students: Ethical, Legal & Therapeutic Challenges
- Building an Online Orientation for Specific Student Populations
- Student Persistence: Critical & Holistic Support Strategies Responding to COVID-19
- Advising & Counseling Online: Responding Effectively to Academic & Mental Health Issues
- Taking Student Services Online in Response to COVID-19
- Training Tutors for the Online Environment
- The Academic Speaking & Consulting Guide: Messaging, Marketing & Honoring Your Expertise
- Preparing Your Campus for the Coronavirus
- Customize Your FYE Course using an Online Video-Based Textbook
- Leveraging Technologies to Enhance Success for Diverse Generation Z Populations
- Designing Online Orientation for Community Colleges
- Creating an Extended Online Orientation to Impact Success
- Best Practices for Financial Literacy Programming & The Debt Letter Initiative: Mandates to Missions
- Utilizing Technology to Engage Parents & Families: Mode and Frequency, Trending Needs & Leveraging Analytics
- Online Summer Institute: Utilizing Online Services to Advance Your Guided Pathways Goals
- Implementing Technology to Support & Engage First-Year Students
- The Happiness Trifecta: Amplifying Student Success by Transforming Campus Culture Through the Science of Happiness
- Supporting Veterans Through Art: A Collaborative Program for Reaching & Supporting Service Members
- Supporting Students on Probation: Too Many Students – Not Enough Resources!
- Using Technology to Streamline Onboarding, Improve Readiness & Support Probation Students
- Selecting Online Student Services for Gen Z
- Creating an Inclusive Campus
- Building an Online Orientation for Specific Student Populations
- Friday 5 Live! Addressing Systematic Racism in Our Institutions: Supporting Students of Color
Social Mindfulness Book Discussion Group
Professional Development Podcasts
KeyPoints is produced by Staff Professional Development and is a newly created internal resource for faculty and staff. The current series focus on social justice and discuss ways to promote a more inclusive working and learning environment.
- Ep1 – Ignore Topics on Race and Racism in the Classroom? – Cindy Kernahan
- Ep2, Pt. 1 – Foundation for the Race and Pedagogy Institute – Dexter Gordon
- Ep2, Pt. 2 – Faculty, Race, Social Advancement and Ignorance – Dexter Gordon
- Ep2, Pt. 3 – Partnerships, Privilege, and Dreams – Dexter Gordon
- Ep3 – Incorporating Cultural Awareness into the Curriculum – China
Tea for teaching
This podcast is a series of informal discussions of innovative and effective practices in teaching and learning. This podcast series is hosted by John Kane (an economist) and Rebecca Mushtare (a graphic designer). John and Rebecca run the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at the State University of New York at Oswego.
Selected episodes:
- Pedagogies of Care: Equity and Inclusion – Cyndi Kernahan and Kevin Gannon
- Radical Hope– Kevin Gannon
- Cultural Acclimation– Don Donelsen
- Inclusive Pedagogy– Amer Ahmed
- Diverse Classrooms– Melina Ivanchikova and Mathew Lawrence Ouellett
- Inclusive Teaching– Danica Savonick
- Diversity and Inclusion– Rodmon King
Teaching in Higher ED
Faculty Development for Professors
This is the space where we explore the art and science of being more effective at facilitating learning. We also share ways to increase our personal productivity, so we can have more peace in our lives and be even more present for our students.
Selected Episodes:
- Becoming a Minority – Renea Brathwaite
- Fostering Inclusion in Our Teaching – Marlo Goldstein Hode
- Culturally Responsive Online Teaching Courtney Plotts
- Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto – Kevin Gannon
- This is Not a Test – Jose Luis Vilson
National Institute for Staff and Organization Development (NISOD)*
- Three Student Engagement Strategies for Our New World: Lessons from Community College Leaders and a Behavioral Scientist
- Bridging the Gap: F2F to Online Teaching Skills
- Mindful Course Design for Student Success
- Shifting Entrepreneurship from the Perimeter to the Core
- White Privilege: What is it Really? How Can it Be Used to Help Others Who Lack That Privilege?
- The Hero Complex: Advising Minority Males
- Minority-Serving Community College Communities of Practice: Career Pathways for Students of Color
*Password protected. Contact SPD for log-in instructions.
Chronicle of Higher Education
- From Emergency Remote Teaching to Effective Distance Education
- The Future of Faculty
- Inclusive Teaching in the Online Classroom
- Equity in Remote Education
- Race, Class, and Minority-Serving Institutions
- Supporting Underserved Students in a Crisis
- Race, Class, and the Path to College Access Here
- Race and Higher Education
National Conference on Race and Equity (NCORE)
- Behind the Masks: Uncovering Assumptions, Biases and Stereotypes
- Being Alive Into the Future!
- Grieving NCORE in the Time of COVID: Strategies for Self-Care and Engagement
- Self-Care in the time of COVID – Strategies for Maintaining Intimacy, Physical Health and Mental Well-Being
- Discovering Common Ground Across Differences: An Innovative Course on Facilitating Difficult Conversations
- There’s a Drama To It:” Innovative Way of Teaching about Power, Resistance, and Social Justice Through Sports
- Race in Medical Education
- Woke Olympics and Social Justice Arrogance
- Navigating academia in PWCs and Universities: A Guide to Equip First-Generation Students of Color to Thrive in Higher Education
- The Struggle is Too Real: Cultivating a Spirit of Resilience for the Long Haul of Diversity Leadership
- Introduction to Social Justice Models of Disability
- The Intersection of Strengths and Social Identity: Using the Clifton Strengths to Engage Conversation about Difference
- Kaleidoscope: Improving Campus Culture using a Program with a Diversity Lens
- The Dehumanization of Indigenous Women
- NCORE 101: What to Expect and How to Show Up!
Social Justice Videos
- 26 Mini-Films for Exploring Race, Bias and Identity with Students – New York Times
- Teaching Ideas and Resources to Help Students Make Sense of the George Floyd protest – New York Times
- The Fight for Civil Rights in Freedom – TED Talk
- The Difference Between Being Not Racist and Antiracist – TED Talk
- What it Takes to be Racially Literate – TED Talk
- How to Overcome Our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them – TEDX
- Addressing Racism and Structural Inequity in America— What Role Does Higher Education Have to Play? – Diverse Issues in Higher Education
- Social Justice – is it still relevant in the 21st century? – TEDX
- Using a Racial Equity Lens – YouTube
- Let’s get to the root of racial injustice – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aCn72iXO9s – TEDX
Social Justice References
- A Detailed List of Anti-Racism Resources – Katie Couric
- 6 Quick Ways to Be More Inclusive in a Virtual Classroom – Chronicle of Higher Education*
- A Survival Guide for Black, Indigenous, and Other Women of Color in Academe – Chronicle of Higher Education
*Note: There is a limited on the number of free articles.
Professional Development Day
Please click here to download a complete list of 2023 Staff Professional Development sessions.
Standing Committees
2024/2025 Pensacola State College Standing Committees
2023/2024 Pensacola State College Standing Committees
2022/2023 Pensacola State College Standing Committees
2021/2022 Pensacola State College Standing Committees
2020/2021 Pensacola State College Standing Committees
2019/2020 Pensacola State College Standing Committees
2018/2019 Pensacola State College Standing Committees
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