To All PSC Students,
This email is a follow-up to the email sent Sunday, August 1, 2021, concerning mask requirements on College sites.
As stated in that email, masks are not required in College buildings but are strongly recommended to ensure the health and safety of the entire College community. It is also strongly recommended that unvaccinated students get vaccinated as soon as possible.
If you are exposed to COVID-19, test positive for COVID-19, or have symptoms of COVID-19, you are expected to notify Vice President Tom Gilliam at 850-484-1500 or If you are required to quarantine, alert Mr. Gilliam if you have not been able to receive the vaccine due to health issues or religious beliefs.
COVID related absences are now being treated as all other illness related absences. Excused absences for COVID-19 are not guaranteed and students should work with their instructors regarding the possibility of making up missed assignments.
Ed Meadows
To All Employees,
As stated in Sunday’s email, face coverings are not required in College buildings but are strongly recommended to ensure the health and safety of the entire College community. It is also strongly recommended that unvaccinated employees get vaccinated as soon as possible.
COVID-related absences are now being treated just as all other illness-related absences are treated.
If you are exposed to COVID, test positive for COVID, or have symptoms of COVID, you are expected to notify Vice President Tom Gilliam. If you are required to quarantine, alert Mr. Gilliam if you have not been able to receive the vaccine due to health issues or religious beliefs. All other unvaccinated employees who become infected with COVID or must quarantine for exposure will be required to take leave. If you have been vaccinated and become infected with COVID your supervisor will decide if they should recommend to me a work from home schedule.
We will continue to monitor the instances of COVID-related absences and make changes to procedures as necessary. If circumstances change, updated information will be provided.
I cannot stress enough the need for each individual to take personal responsibility for their own health and the health of those around them.
Ed Meadows