Tales of a Time Traveler
Show Length: 23 Minutes.
For Ages: Grades: 4th – Adult.
Scheduling and Reservations: Shows are conducted when a group of 15 or more makes advance reservations. The available showtimes are 10:00, 11:30, and 1:00, Monday through Friday when the college is open. For Reservations call (850) 484-2188 or email planetarium@pensacolastate.edu Show to be presented is determined when reservation is made.
Time travel surrounds you—from the biological clock in your brain and the changing shadows on the Cockrell Sundial, to the history of life on Earth, the lives of stars, the time scale of the Big Bang, and the distortion of time by gravity. David Tennant, the 10th doctor in the Doctor Who series, is your guide through all of time.