Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
Show Length: 40 Minutes.
For Ages: Adult.
Scheduling and Reservations: Shows are conducted when a group of 15 or more makes advance reservations. The available showtimes are 10:00, 11:30, and 1:00, Monday through Friday when the college is open. For Reservations call (850) 484-2188 or email planetarium@pensacolastate.edu Show to be presented is determined when reservation is made.
Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon Lose yourself in the return of Pink Floyd’s legendary rock ’n’ roll masterpiece, enhanced by all of the capacities of our high-definition, full-dome video system. Surround sound and mesmerizing images create an unforgettable experience. It’s not just a laser show; it’s a totally new digital revolution in sight and sound—surrounding you, immersing you, losing you in the Dark Side of the Moon. This unique video experience is provided by Starlight Productions