Out There: The Quest for Extrasolar Worlds
Show Length: 30 minutes.
For Ages: Grades: 5th - Adult.
Scheduling and Reservations: Shows are conducted when a group of 15 or more makes advance reservations. The available showtimes are 10:00, 11:30, and 1:00, Monday through Friday when the college is open. For Reservations call (850) 484-2188 or email planetarium@pensacolastate.edu Show to be presented is determined when reservation is made.
Learn the story of how human curiosity has driven us to look outwards for millennia, to discover and explore new and distant worlds, and to find the unfamiliar and extraordinary forms of life that could exist in the mysterious realms of the Universe. The show features the primitive science fiction of early civilizations, to the future space missions that will observe the Universe in greater than ever detail and travel to the surfaces and oceans of moons in our Solar System.