Support For Health Science Students & Teachers

Support For Health Science Students & Teachers

Scheduled Center Classes

Center classes may be scheduled at the beginning of term or anytime during term when clinical skills need to be demonstrated or practiced.  Center space is scheduled through the Center Supervisor on a first-come, first-served basis.  Center spaces are not to be used as classrooms for instruction.


Special Workshops, Demonstrations, Etc.

Special workshops, demonstrations, practice sessions, etc. may be scheduled through the Center Supervisor as needed.  Equipment, supplies, or partial task trainers are reserved through the Center Supervisor.


Open Lab

Open Lab is scheduled time when a facilitator is available to assist all students who may “drop in” to practice skills or who are assigned by faculty for skill practice or remediation.  Open Lab times will be posted and will vary from term to term.  Open Lab time may include evenings and week-ends.

Our Mission & Vision

The mission of the Health Sciences Learning Center is to support the teaching and learning excellence of the faculty and students of the allied health programs. The mission will be accomplished by:

  1. Providing instructional / curriculum design support for faculty of all allied health programs
  2. Being the one-stop center for resource and curricular materials for both faculty and staff
  3. Coordinating professional development and community outreach learning events to enhance the personal and professional skills of our internal and external customers
  4. Functioning as a central supply agency providing adequate and relevant teaching and learning materials for faculty and students

Our goal is to shift focus from delivering services to empowering students to access information!

How We Can Help You

Equipment and Supplies:  Supplies, equipment, and partial task trainers used to demonstrate or practice patient care skills are available in the Center.  Commonly used expendable supplies are available in the Center at all times.  The Center Supervisor will prepare supplies, equipment, and manikins for specific skills per faculty request.

Practice Kits:  Supplies needed by students to practice skills are available in kits in the Learning Center.  These kits may be checked out for use in the labs.  Available kits include:  Basic IV Therapy, Bedbath/Bedmaking, Body Mechanics, Catheterization (Urinary), Dressings, Elastic Bandages, Handwashing, Head-to-Toe Assessment, NG Tube Insertion/Removal, NG Tube Med Administration, Oral Med Administration, Oxygenation, and Vital Signs Assessment.

Low Fidelity Simulation:  A variety of partial task trainers are available in the labs to allow students to practice before having to do procedures on real patients.  Student may use trainers during scheduled Open Lab sessions or whenever the Center is open.

Audio-Visual Media:  Audio-visual media are available for use in the lab by students and for use in the classroom.  Faculty may request audio-visual media on the Request for Services/Supplies/Equipment Form.  Some audio-visual media are also available in the Learning Resource Centers on the Pensacola and Milton Campuses.

Students may request audio-visual media from the Center Assistant for viewing in the Learning Center.  Selected media may be available for check-out by students for home use.

DVD Recording:  Facilities and equipment are available to enable students to videotape themselves performing nursing skills for evaluation by faculty.  Faculty members may videotape presentations to be viewed by current and future students.

Workshops:  Workshops on subjects of interest to applicants and currently enrolled students are scheduled throughout the term.  Workshops will be advertised on fliers posted around the Campus and students will be notified of scheduled workshops through Campus email.  There is no cost to students for these workshops.

Identifying Learning Strategies:  Faculty may meet with Learning Center staff to discuss learning strategies for presenting course content, using the facilities of the Center including simulation.

Remediation:  Students needing remediation can be referred to the Learning Center using a Learning Center Referral Form.  The faculty member may specify the form of remediation needed or just state problems the student is having.  The Center Supervisor will then develop a prescription for remediation for the student and communicate with the faculty member when remediation is completed.

Where To Find Us

Physical Facilities

3703 Emergency Room Simulation Suite
3704 Intensive Care Simulation Suite
Cardiopulmonary Simulation Suite
3705 Learning Center
3705A Center Supervisor Office
3705B-E Videotaping Rooms
3705F Surgical Tech Practice Area
3706 Skills Laboratory North
3706E Operating Room Simulation Suite
3707 Simulation Center
3707B Simulation Control Room
3707C Director of Simulation Office
3707H Storage Area
3708 Skills Laboratory South
3708A Simulation Recorder Room
3708C Manikin Storage Area
3708D Noelle Simulation Room
3714 Medical Surgical Simulation Laboratory

Center Scheduling

Learning Center and Skills Lab Spaces:  Contact Aaron L. Hunt at 484-2208 or to schedule Center facilities.


Services/Supplies/ Equipment:  Request services, supplies, or equipment on a Request for Services/Supplies/Equipment Form and turn in to Aaron L. Hunt, Room 3705A or per email at  Phone requests are discouraged.


DVD Recording:  Requests for students to record procedures for evaluation should be submitted on a Request for Services/Supplies/Equipment Form and turned in to Aaron L. Hunt.   Faculty wanting to make an instructional recording should contact Aaron L. Hunt for scheduling and assistance.


Audio-Visual Media:  All Center audio-visual media are available in the Learning Center (3705) and are used in the Center.  Faculty wanting to use audio-visual media in the classroom should request it on a Request for Services/Supplies/Equipment Form and turn it in to the Center Assistant in Room 3705H.  Selected media may be available for check-out by students for home use.

Rules Of Conduct

To ensure the atmosphere of the Learning Center is conducive to learning, the following rules of conduct are enforced:

  1. Maintain a courteous, respectful, and professional manner at all times.
  2. Students using the Learning Center should sign in and out on the clipboard on the counter inside Room 3705.
  3. Open areas of the Center are used for quiet activities; headphones should be used for listening to DVDs, or CD-ROMs; ringers on cell phones and pagers should be turned off.
  4. Equipment, partial task trainers, supplies, audio-visual media, and reference books should be signed out by the person using them and returned promptly when finished.
  5. Center areas used should be cleaned up after use.
  6. Computers and audio-visual equipment should be used for intended purposes only.
  7. Eating and drinking may take place only in specified areas, and used cups, etc. should be disposed of in trash receptacles.
  8. The Warrington Campus is a smoke-free area.
  9. No children or pets are permitted in the Learning Center.
  10. “Drop in” activities must not interfere with scheduled activities.

Personnel and Contact Information

Supervisor: Aaron Hunt
Office:  3705A
Phone 850.484.2208
Duties: Co-ordinates activities of Learning Center, works with faculty to integrate use of Center into courses, manages inventory of Center, co-ordinates workshops, schedules use of learning Center labs.


Lab Assistant: Sarah Sturges
Office:  3705H
Phone:  850.471.4510
Duties: Provides assistance to students, faculty, and others in the utilization of Center resources during the day; performs routine maintenance on Center equipment and supplies.


Lab Facilitator
Office:  3705H
Phone:  850.471.4510
Duties: Licensed or certified health care provider who provides assistance to students in Open Lab


Lab Manager
Duties: Provides assistance to students, faculty, and others in the utilization of the resources of the Center in the evenings and on weekends

Related Documents & Forms