Fall 2023 Dean’s List

The Dean’s List recognizes students who have achieved outstanding grade point averages for the term. To be eligible, students must full-time (12 credit hours or more per term), in good standing, and earn an overall GPA of 3.5–3.99 for the term. Congratulations to these students for their outstanding accomplishments! Victoria Abril Daniel Adams Amnah Akbar Michaela…

Fall 2022 Dean’s List for Baccalaureate Programs

The Dean’s List recognizes students who have achieved outstanding grade point averages for the term. To be eligible, students must full-time (12 credit hours or more per term), in good standing, and earn an overall GPA of 3.5–3.99 for the term. Congratulations to these students for their outstanding accomplishments! Tina Abner Noralyz Ayala Aguero Mary Ayer…

decorative image of Charter-Academy-graduation-2023--scaled , 44 seniors to graduate from PSC Charter Academy on May 13 2024-05-06 10:59:10

44 seniors to graduate from PSC Charter Academy

2023 Charter Academy graduates 22 seniors will also earn associate degrees Retired U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Donald Quinn will be the keynote speaker at Pensacola State College’s Charter Academy graduation. Forty-four graduating seniors will receive diplomas at the commencement exercises set for 6 p.m. Monday, May 13, in the Jean and Paul Amos Performance Studio…

decorative image of all-shook-up , Need more Elvis? Hear Presley’s music in the PSC Summer High School Onstage Workshop production ‘All Shook Up’ 2022-07-20 13:36:20

Need more Elvis? Hear Presley’s music in the PSC Summer High School Onstage Workshop production ‘All Shook Up’

The cultural flame lit by Elvis Presley has never been extinguished, even 45 years after his death. Still, that flame hasn’t burned this bright for years.

A new generation has discovered the music of the heralded “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” largely due to the new acclaimed Baz Luhrmann film, “Elvis.” Some talented members of this young generation will perform some of Presley’s best-known music in the jukebox musical “All Shook Up,’’ which is the 2022 PSC Summer High School Onstage Workshop Production, July 22-24 and July 29-31 in the Ashmore Auditorium on the Pensacola campus. 

decorative image of DSC_0339-sm , Students, prospective students come from across region for Pirate Open House at Warrington campus 2022-07-20 11:00:00

Students, prospective students come from across region for Pirate Open House at Warrington campus

It’s more than a five-hour drive from Huntsville, Alabama – Rocket City, USA – to Pensacola State College’s Warrington campus, a small but serene and welcoming site nestling the Jones Swamp Wetland Preserve and Nature Trail.

But the drive was worth it for Huntsville resident Lily Berg and her mother, Cate Berg, who made the trip to attend the PSC Pirate Open House at the Warrington campus on Tuesday, July 19.  (Lily even won a swanky PSC beach towel for making the longest journey to attend the Open House).

decorative image of ScottSchackman-TeachingExcellence2021-v2 ,   2022-07-15 21:56:10

Spanish instructor Scott Schackmann becomes PSC Humanities and Social Sciences Department Head

Pensacola State College Spanish instructor Scott Schackmann will still teach after becoming head of the Humanities and Social Sciences Department on Tuesday, July 5.

Not as much as before, but it was crucial to Schackmann to still have time to do what he loves – teaching and impacting students in the classroom.

“That was really important to me,’’ he said about being able to teach even after taking up the department reins. “It’s the job I started in and it’s one of the areas where you can have the greatest impact on students.”

decorative image of Pirate-Path-orientation-Copy2 , Pirate Path New Student Orientation draws full house 2022-07-13 11:47:29

Pirate Path New Student Orientation draws full house

They came from far and they came from near, but it was a full house as Pensacola State College kicked off its Pirate Path New Student Orientation on Thursday, July 7, on the Pensacola campus.

Marnia Thomas was among the nearly 70 new students to attend the two-hour orientation session which began in Building 2, Room 251.

“I’m here because I want to learn about the College and not be stumbling around trying to find everything on my first day,” said Thomas, a Booker T. Washington High School graduate who plans to pursue a sonography degree.

decorative image of colab2 , PSC partners with Co:Lab to help area entrepreneurs and small businesses 2022-07-13 10:58:28

PSC partners with Co:Lab to help area entrepreneurs and small businesses

It’s “Taco Thursday” at Pensacola Co:Lab and workers from more than a dozen different companies are sitting in a common area munching on tacos, and between bites, talking about their businesses.

Company leaders from each of the small businesses get up and offer updates on how things are going – their recent “wins,” their “needs” and other aspects of the business.

decorative image of daa-2022 , PSC Distinguished Alumni Association Awards Gala honors 5 who helped College, communities 2022-06-16 09:19:34

PSC Distinguished Alumni Association Awards Gala honors 5 who helped College, communities

The five honorees recognized at the Pensacola State College Distinguished Alumni Association Awards Gala on Saturday, June 11, have not only made the College better. They have improved their communities as well.

“This event celebrated the achievement of outstanding individuals,” said Hailey Lotz, PSC Executive Director or Development, Alumni and Athletics.  “It was about our heritage and history. We gathered to recognize greatness and honor individuals who have shown dedication to a higher purpose.”

decorative image of karen-young2 , PSC says farewell to nursing instructor, retired U.S. Navy Reserve Capt. Karen Young 2022-05-25 11:55:57

PSC says farewell to nursing instructor, retired U.S. Navy Reserve Capt. Karen Young

Karen Young already had more than 10 years of nursing experience when she joined the U.S. Navy Reserve as a commissioned officer in 1994.
By the time Young joined Pensacola State College’s nursing faculty in 2007, she had already served in numerous leadership positions in the Navy Reserve. Still, her greatest professional achievements wouldn’t come until she was well-entrenched at PSC.

decorative image of thead4 , Faculty Spotlight: Robert Thead, Humanities and Social Sciences 2022-05-25 10:54:34

Faculty Spotlight: Robert Thead, Humanities and Social Sciences

What’s the most important number in existence? Some will default to Pi, others to Euler’s number and maybe a few might even go with 137, a number some smart folks have theorized could help physicists unravel the grail-like grand unified theory long sought.
(And, of course, there’s 42 for all the fans of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.”)
Pensacola State College political science instructor Robert Thead goes in a different direction. But don’t doubt his alternative, because Thead is one of the smart folks too.

decorative image of memorial-day , PSC’s Rob Gregg is emcee of Memorial Day Observance at Barrancas National Cemetery 2022-05-25 11:49:09

PSC’s Rob Gregg is emcee of Memorial Day Observance at Barrancas National Cemetery

You might be barbecuing. You might be beaching, golfing or just chillaxing at home.
Just please take a minute at 3 p.m. to pause and focus on the price of freedom and those who paid that price. It truly is the very least we can do for those sacrificed their lives in war.
Monday, May 30, is Memorial Day. Pensacola State College is closed for the federal holiday which honors those military service members who have died while serving in the U.S. armed forces.

Student Excellence Awards 2020

CONGRATULATIONS 2020 RECIPIENTS! The annual Student Excellence Awards recognizes and honors some of Pensacola State College’s many outstanding students. Over 200 students are recognized this year for their achievements and reflect the theme of a Tradition of Excellence.  ALL FLORIDA ACADEMIC TEAM All-Florida Academic Team recipients are recognized by the Florida College System for their academic…

Fall 2020 Dean’s List

The Dean’s List recognizes students who have achieved outstanding grade point averages for the term. To be eligible, students must full-time (12 credit hours or more per term), in good standing, and earn an overall GPA of 3.5–3.99 for the term. Congratulations to these students for their outstanding accomplishments! Omar Abu Alloush Cameron Acevedo Miguel Acevedo…

decorative image of jordanschool-1 , Jordan 'Bekah' Campbell credits God, PSC for prison-to-college transformation 2019-10-14 13:42:18

Jordan ‘Bekah’ Campbell credits God, PSC for prison-to-college transformation

It was only after Jordan Campbell ─ who went by “Bekah” while at PSC ─ graduated with honors in May 2014, that instructor Ann Coon learned “the perfect role model” had a dark, stained and strained past. Just three years before graduating, Campbell was in prison serving time for fraud and theft brought on, she said, by years drowned and lost in drugs, dependency and, at times, abuse.

Countdown to Workday

Pictured are the College’s Workday Project Team members with Alchemy consultants back row, from left, Stephen Whiting, Michael Johnston, Ron Petet (Alchemy), Paul Oh (Alchemy), Alex Maidy (Alchemy), and Clive Houston. Middle row, Ben McCrary, Rhonda Likely, Nan Jackson, Julie Benesole (Alchemy), Nichole Johns, Michelle Dean, Davieda Grierson and Christina Sullivan. On the front row,…

decorative image of best-colleges-badge , PSC grads have less student debt than any college, university grads in nation 2019-09-09 12:17:27

PSC grads have less student debt than any college, university grads in nation

No college or university in the United States ─ public, private, big, small, hoity, plain or toity ─ sends its graduates off with less debt per student than Pensacola State College.

Pensacola State College President Ed Meadows chats with PSC students. That’s just one highlight for Pensacola State from the coveted and anticipated U.S. News & World Report’s “Best College” rankings, released Monday, Sept. 9.

decorative image of Teresa-Jackson ,   2017-11-14 10:26:52

Compassionate heart leads PSC faculty to help others

During a difficult season in her life, Teresa Jackson was touched by the kindness and generosity of others.

Today, more than 25 years later, Jackson, an adjunct professor and administrative assistant at Pensacola State College, is still paying it forward.

Jackson collects, bags and provides individual emergency kits for victims of natural disasters. She started making the individual emergency kits following the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that decimated Haiti in 2010.

decorative image of Fagan-Sean_Chief_Pensacola-State-College-PD ,   2017-08-22 11:32:20

Fagan graduates from FDLE Executive Leadership Institute

Pensacola State College Police Chief Sean Fagan was among 30 criminal justice executives to recently graduate from the Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute. An educational opportunity for upper level managers within Florida criminal justice organizations, the Executive Leadership Seminar provides a continuing education forum for the development and refinement of leadership skills. The Class Five…

decorative image of Dr.-Wooten ,   2017-08-22 11:32:16

Solar Eclipse 2017

They came with solar eclipse glasses, boxes converted into safety viewers and cellphones to catch history as it crossed the skies of northwest Florida on Monday. Hundreds of Pensacola-area residents – young and old – camped outside the E.G. Owens Planetarium from about 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to catch a glimpse of the Great…

decorative image of Employees-of-Year , PSC honors Employees of the Year 2017-08-08 09:32:13

PSC honors Employees of the Year

Unsung hero… Outstanding work ethics… Huge heart for students…

These were just a few of the comments describing Pensacola State College’s three Employees of the Year – Mary Graves, Diana Taylor and Scott Russell – at a festive ceremony in the new Charles W. Lamar Studio, July 25.

Colleagues, friends and family filled the Studio’s spacious lecture hall as PSC President Ed Meadows called attention to the accomplishments of each honoree and the importance of the annual event that began in 1975.

“CAEOP began this awards ceremony and it has been an anticipated event for more than 40 years. When CAEOP could no longer host the ceremony, it was just too important to let it drop,” Dr. Meadows said. “We are grateful that our Human Resources department is continuing this tradition.”

decorative image of IMG_1612 , Kids' College Wins Best of the Coast 2016 Award 2017-01-20 10:48:46

Kids’ College Wins Best of the Coast 2016 Award

Pensacola State College’s 26th Annual Kid’s College recently was named the Best Summer Camp in the Best of the Coast 2016 competition, sponsored by Independent News Weekly. Running from June 6 through Aug. 5, Kids’ College offered several new courses with cutting-edge fun. Campers ages 6-12 were introduced to coding in “Minecraft Modders” and created…

decorative image of 420 , Reaching Milestones 2017-01-20 10:42:44

Reaching Milestones

Last week was a busy one for Pensacola State. The college family said goodbye to Collegiate High and Adult Education, PALS and Pensacola State graduates during commencement exercises held Thursday, Friday and Sunday. More than 130 students received diplomas from Collegiate High and 27 others earned Certificates of General Education Development during summer and fall…

decorative image of Naim-Akbar_tduoqi , PSC Hosts Na’im Akbar in Free Event June 23 2017-01-17 14:23:46

PSC Hosts Na’im Akbar in Free Event June 23

Distinguished scholar, clinical psychologist and author, Na’im Akbar, speaks on “Knowledge, Power and Freedom” at 6 p.m., Thursday, June 23 at Pensacola State College’s Hagler Auditorium, Building 2, Room 252, on the Pensacola campus. The public is invited to this free event and no tickets are required. Doors open at 5 p.m. Sponsored by PSC’s…

decorative image of shoretel-ip485g-telephone-4-1_vkys6l , New VoIP Phones 2016-09-08 20:50:24

New VoIP Phones

The new phone system is here and being installed now! The old Harris system has aged to the point that it is difficult to find parts and make repairs, and it is no longer cost effective to maintain the system and the infrastructure required to support it.  The phones will be replaced by building with the…

decorative image of logo-blue-small-tall_sqmkbw ,   2016-09-08 20:39:21

NEW Self-Service Password Reset Tool

Tired of having to call the student helpdesk just to reset your PirateMail password?  What if it is the weekend or after 8pm and the Helpdesk staff are not available… you are in luck! Pensacola State College has implemented a Self-Serve Password Reset Tool for resetting your network password (used to access PirateMail, lab computers…

decorative image of logo-blue-small-tall_sqmkbw ,   2016-09-08 20:39:21

Password Security Precautions

Security Precautions When Using College Business Systems Information Security involves maintaining and protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.  Did you know that the largest threat to the security of PSC’s data comes from you, the user?  Inadvertent typing errors, accidental spyware downloads, or installing unauthorized software that may contain a virus on your workstation can lead to erroneous data…

decorative image of O365-free_tujh13 , Office 365 for Free! 2016-09-08 20:48:23

Office 365 for Free!

Pensacola State College partners with Microsoft to provide Office 365 to our students for email and collaboration.  Included in the Office 365 suite is cloud based email and Office apps as well as a full 1 TB of cloud storage in OneDrive…and now students can download the suite for free to personally owned devices! This automatically updatable,…