decorative image of shoretel-ip485g-telephone-4-1_vkys6l , New VoIP Phones 2016-09-08 20:50:24

New VoIP Phones

The new phone system is here and being installed now! The old Harris system has aged to the point that it is difficult to find parts and make repairs, and it is no longer cost effective to maintain the system and the infrastructure required to support it.  The phones will be replaced by building with the…

decorative image of logo-blue-small-tall_sqmkbw ,   2016-09-08 20:39:21

NEW Self-Service Password Reset Tool

Tired of having to call the student helpdesk just to reset your PirateMail password?  What if it is the weekend or after 8pm and the Helpdesk staff are not available… you are in luck! Pensacola State College has implemented a Self-Serve Password Reset Tool for resetting your network password (used to access PirateMail, lab computers…

decorative image of logo-blue-small-tall_sqmkbw ,   2016-09-08 20:39:21

Cutting Costs on Printing at PSC

In an effort to reduce the waste and costs associated with excessive printing, and to improve our impact on the environment, Pensacola State College has adopted a new Print Management system named PCounter. Some highlights of the system follow: Students will receive 250 free pages at the beginning of each semester to be used either by…

decorative image of logo-blue-small-tall_sqmkbw ,   2016-09-08 20:39:21

Password Security Precautions

Security Precautions When Using College Business Systems Information Security involves maintaining and protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.  Did you know that the largest threat to the security of PSC’s data comes from you, the user?  Inadvertent typing errors, accidental spyware downloads, or installing unauthorized software that may contain a virus on your workstation can lead to erroneous data…

decorative image of O365-free_tujh13 , Office 365 for Free! 2016-09-08 20:48:23

Office 365 for Free!

Pensacola State College partners with Microsoft to provide Office 365 to our students for email and collaboration.  Included in the Office 365 suite is cloud based email and Office apps as well as a full 1 TB of cloud storage in OneDrive…and now students can download the suite for free to personally owned devices! This automatically updatable,…