decorative image of engineering-tn_wlefvz , Electronics Engineering Technology 2016-09-08 20:59:20

Contact the Pensacola State College Engineering Technology Department for assistance in planning your program of study.

View Course Requirements



The College Credit Certificate in Mechatronics provides the student with the practical skills but is not limited to instruction in maintenance techniques, computer aided drafting/design skills, technical communications, maintenance and operation of various industrial components, quality control and testing, material handling protocols, and proper usage of tools and instrumentation. The program is composed of selected college credit courses offered within the Associate in Science degree in Engineering Technology. Each student is strongly encouraged to consult an advisor or counselor prior to course registration.


Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

EET 1084C Introduction to Electronics 3 cc
EET 2215C Instrumentation Electronics 3 cc
EGN 1123 Engineering Graphics 3 cc
ETI 1110 Introduction to Quality Assurance 3 cc
ETI 1420 Manufacturing Processes & Materials 3 cc
ETI 1701 Industrial Safety 3 cc
ETM 1010 Mechanical Measurement & Instrumentation 3 cc
ETM 2315C Hydraulics and Pneumatics 3 cc
ETS 1603c Robotics Mechanics and Controls 3 cc
ETS 2542C Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Fundamentals 3 cc
Total 30 cc

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