Get Prepared To Enter The Workforce

Career and Technical Education Student Resources

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Student Resources provides services to students enrolled in CTE programs at Pensacola State College. Those include students who are working towards an Associate of Science (A.S.) degree, Vocational Certificate (Clock Hour Programs), or College Credit Certificate. These programs equip students with the academic and technical skills needed to enter the workforce. CTE prepares students for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, and high-demand careers.

For qualifying CTE students and alumni, we provide the following services:

  • Textbook loans
  • Scholarships
  • Career Advising
  • Resume Assistance
  • Professional Development
  • Computer lab access

To learn if you qualify for services, please fill out the CTE Application. Submit the completed forms along with a current copy of your class schedule, and financial aid award letter to the CTE office located in Building 6, Rm. 641 on the Pensacola Campus. Deadlines services do apply. For more information, contact us at (850) 484-1654.

Who Can Join CTE Student Resources?

To be eligible to join, you must be enrolled in (or have applied for admission to) an Associate of Science or a Certificate program at Pensacola State College. Examples of these programs include Vocational and College Credit Certificate programs. To see if your program of study (or major) qualifies, check to see what degree will be awarded upon completion of the graduation requirements; you can use the current Pensacola State College college catalog or view all programs offered at Pensacola State College.

Students must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • Economically disadvantaged single parent
  • Student training for a career that is nontraditional for their gender
  • Disabled
  • Displaced homemaker
  • Limited English proficient
  • Homeless Individuals
  • Out of Workforce individuals
  • Youth who have are in or who have aged out of foster care

What is a Displaced Homemaker?

A “displaced homemaker” is an adult who is unemployed or underemployed and who has worked primarily without pay to care for a home and family. When you complete the application for membership in CTE, you will answer a series of questions to determine if this applies to you. If you are a displaced homemaker, we may be able to help you identify campus and community resources to address your needs.

What is a Nontraditional Student?

Nontraditional refers to occupations or fields of work for which individuals from one gender make up less than 25% of the total number of people employed in that field (such as a male nurse or a female auto mechanic). Programs which qualify students to work in a nontraditional field are considered to be nontraditional programs.

Services Offered

We want to make sure that our clients have the resources they need to start and stay in college, so CTE free services include: textbook loans, personal and professional development materials, career assessments, scholarship information, and access to computers in our resource room on the Pensacola campus.

Your eligibility for one or more of these services is based on several factors, such as financial need and the availability of resources.

Sometimes, students come to us with special needs. If you are a single parent, a displaced homemaker, a student with limited English language proficiency, or if you have a disability we may be able to help you identify campus and community resources to address your needs.

Workforce Education

View our Associate in Science Degrees!
View our Certificate Programs!


You will be notified by piratemail if you are selected. If you have any questions, please contact the
CTE office at (850) 484-1654.

Scholarships Available:

  • Pensacola North Rotary Endowed Scholarship
  • Newcomers Club Endowed Scholarship
  • Mary Jane Elizabeth C. McCort Memorial Endowment
  • Junior League ” Women Helping Women” Endowment
  • Pensacola Senior Follies Scholarship
  • Pensacola Women’s Alliance Endowed Scholarship.

Go To Scholarship Search

Thank you,

CTE Staff

Documents & Forms

Calendar of Events

No scheduled events at this time.

Contact Us

Office Locations

Pensacola CTE
Building 6, Rm. 641
Phone: (850) 484-1654