decorative image of Kids-Day , WSRE PBS to host Amazing Kids Day on June 1 for children with autism 2024-05-16 10:53:18

WSRE PBS to host Amazing Kids Day on June 1 for children with autism

WSRE PBS will host Pensacola’s second annual Amazing Kids Day for families affected by autism on Saturday, June 1, from 9 a.m.-noon in the Jean and Paul Amos Performance Studio at Pensacola State College. Amazing Kids Day is a free, sensory-friendly event for children with special needs to explore fun, educational activities. At the same time, parents and caregivers can learn about some of the local family resources available to them.

decorative image of Allied-Health , Allied Health Pinnings 2024-05-16 11:10:59

Allied Health Pinnings

Physical Therapist Assistant Program graduates Ten Pensacola State College Physical Therapist Assistant Program graduates were pinned during a ceremony held May 8 on the Warrington campus. The program graduates ─ Joshua Christiansen, Katrina Espinosa, Lauren Fradejas, Ashlee Heifner, Alyssa Johnson, Anna Mayhair, Jana Motes, Ivy New, Demetrius Smith and Kaylee Volnoff ─ also earned Associate…

decorative image of Nurse-pinning-couple-with-family-scaled , More than 80 PSC nursing students pinned at ceremony 2024-05-16 09:35:56

More than 80 PSC nursing students pinned at ceremony

Sterling Hill and Grace Rhodes have done almost everything together since they were toddlers. On May 9, the couple joined more than 80 other Pensacola State College Associate in Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Science in Nursing graduates at the pinning ceremony at First Pentecostal Church in Pensacola. “It feels great to finally have it all done,” Hill, 23, said. “It was a great experience, especially the clinicals.”