Additional Info
Do I have to keep a 3.5 GPA once I join?
No, once you have been inducted to Phi Theta Kappa, you must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.2.
I am a part time student. Am I eligible to join?
Of course! The majority of college students are only able to attend school part time. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements you can join Phi Theta Kappa.
I am a dual enrolled student. Am I eligible to join?
Certainly! We have many dual enrolled students who are active members or officers in our chapter.
Will my grades suffer if I become an active member in Phi Theta Kappa?
No! Our members typically maintain their academic success levels. In fact, your grades may actually improve. If you begin having problems in one of your subjects help is a member away!
How much of my time will being a member of Phi Theta Kappa require?
You may be as active as you desire. Many of our members join just for the transcript stamp, the seal on their diploma and the scholarship opportunities. That is completely acceptable. To ensure that honor students are as well rounded as possible we encourage you to support Phi Theta Kappa’s four hallmarks of fellowship, leadership, service, and scholarship (all of which are highly regarded y universities and potential employers). Active membership will ensure that you develop in all of these areas. Your activity level, however is completely up to you.
Am I too old to join Phi Theta Kappa?
Our members are all ages, ethnicity, and backgrounds! Everyone can fit in with PTK! We welcome diversity! Currently our active members range from 16-55+ years of age.
Does it cost anything to join Phi Theta Kappa?
There is a one-time membership fee that covers the cost of your new member package from headquarters, as well as the induction ceremony. The fee is different for each chapter. After that initial membership fee there is no cost. In fact, if you become an active member may get to travel to conventions where most of the expenses are covered or awarded a transfer scholarship if you transfer to a university.
Is it worth the money to join Phi Theta Kappa?
Absolutely! PTK offers many benefits. One of the major benefits are transfer scholarships offered to PTK members. Many schools have transfer scholarships, for example UWF, USA, and FSU all offer scholarships to PTK members (inquire about scholarships with the university admissions office). Another possible benefit for PTK members at Pensacola State is the Ami-Lee Wilder $1000 scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to students every term. If you are a PTK member you are given preference during the grading of the essays, which means you have a better chance of winning one of the scholarships. This scholarship is awarded through the PSC scholarship application.
Do I have to attend the orientation meeting to join?
No, you can still join if you are unable to attend orientation. Orientations help prospective members learn about all the benefits Phi Theta Kappa membership offers them, but they are not mandatory. For more information on how to join click the How to Join tab.
Additional Contact Information
Pensacola State College has three chapters of Phi Theta Kappa. To reach the advisor of the chapter closest to you, please use the information below:
Pensacola Chapter – Theta Chi
Jeff Wooters, Advisor
Phone: 484-1160 Email:
Necia Nicholas, Advisor
Phone 484-1171 Email:
Milton Chapter – Beta Beta Gamma
Carol Hulse, Advisor
Phone: 484-4480 Email:
If you have questions not answered on this page, visit or e-mail and someone will be happy to help you.