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Active Minds members will meet to discuss and plan ways to increase awareness of issues surrounding mental health, symptoms related to mental health d...

The faculty and student-led Biology Club is focused on service and education. It also aims to unite individuals from various backgrounds around a com...

The culinary & hospitality club established at Pensacola state college is an organization that provides industry experience, an opportunity for networ...

Students who are interested in cyber-security with the more advanced technical skills and resources required to progress through their computer securi...

Club Goals: To educate, promote and engage PSC students in health and wellness activities focused around the eight basic areas of wellness....

The purpose of the Pensacola State College Gay-Straight Alliance, or GSA, is to encourage an accepting and supporting environment for people of all ge...

Theta Chi is a chapter of an international honor society, Phi Theta Kappa. Our members are recognized for their high academic achievements...

Camaraderie, philosophical discussion, opportunities to learn and to help the community, as well as broadening your horizons can be found by joining t...

Students participate in the YMCA Halloween Party for special needs students of Escambia County, Escambia County School Systems Special Olympics primar...

SkillsUSA’s mission is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens....

Gain valuable experience with animals, become part of a group with your peers, and participate in volunteer opportunities in the community....